Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Help : Appendix : Legacy Presto components : MashZone NextGen Analytics : RAQL Queries : Alias Names for Columns or Calculations : Use Alias Names to Handle HTML Column Content
Use Alias Names to Handle HTML Column Content
Columns in XML datasets can sometimes contain HTML markup, such as <img> tags. This is quite common in data from RSS or Atom web feeds. These HTML tags in column data can cause information to be missing from RAQL queries or cause other problems because the tags are incorrectly interpreted.
To overcome these errors, you can have RAQL escape the column content with HTML tags using CDATA sections by using a column alias in the following form:
original-column-name as original-column-name__cdata
This uses two underscores (_) in the alias name.
With a column named title for example, the alias name to escape any HTML markup in the column content would be title__cdata.
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