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Universal Messaging Service MBean
Retrieves information about the Universal Messaging (UM) services configured in a service group that is associated with an event type.
MBean Name,eventType=event_type_name,
where event_type_name is the name of the event type and service_name is the name of the Universal Messaging service.
MBean Attributes
String. The name of the service.
String. The usage of the service. Values are:
*SourceOnly - you can subscribe to the service, but you cannot use the service to send events.
*DestinationOnly - you can use the service to only send events.
*SourceAndDestination - you can both subscribe to the service and use the service to send events.
For information about the possible usage of a service, see Configuring Service Groups.
String. The URL of the Universal Messaging server. The providerUrl attribute has the following format: protocol://host: port. The default value is nsp://localhost:9000.
Boolean. Indicates whether the service is connected to the configured Universal Messaging server.
Instant. The time when the service connected to the Universal Messaging server, or reconnected to the server after losing connection.
Instant. The time when the service disconnected from the Universal Messaging server.
Integer. The number of active exclusive durable subscribers to the service. If the service usage is DestinationOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
List<String>. The identifiers of the active exclusive durable subscribers to the service. If the service usage is DestinationOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
Integer. The number of active shared durable subscribers to the service. If the service usage is DestinationOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
List<String>. The identifiers of the active shared durable subscribers to the service. If the service usage is DestinationOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
Integer. The number of active priority durable subscribers to the service. If the service usage is DestinationOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
List<String>. The identifiers of the active priority durable subscribers to the service. If the service usage is DestinationOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
Integer. The number of exclusive durable subscribers to the service that are inactive but still subscribed. If the service usage is DestinationOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
The system keeps inactive subscribers only while DES is running. If an exclusive durable subscriber is closed, but remains subscribed, the subscriber ID is added to the inactiveExclusiveDurableSubscribersIds list, and inactiveExclusiveDurableSubscribersCount increases. However, when you restart the runtime where DES is embedded, DES does not examine the Universal Messaging channel for available named objects. As a result, the inactiveExclusiveDurableSubscribersIds list is initially empty and does not contain the subscriber ID that was previously added.
List<String>. The identifiers of the exclusive durable subscribers to the service that are inactive but still subscribed. If the service usage is DestinationOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
The system keeps inactive subscribers only while DES is running. If an exclusive durable subscriber is closed, but remains subscribed, the subscriber ID is added to the inactiveExclusiveDurableSubscribersIds list, and inactiveExclusiveDurableSubscribersCount increases. However, when you restart the runtime where DES is embedded, DES does not examine the Universal Messaging channel for available named objects. As a result, the inactiveExclusiveDurableSubscribersIds list is initially empty and does not contain the subscriber ID that was previously added.
Integer. The number of shared durable subscribers to this service that are inactive but still subscribed. If the service usage is DestinationOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
The system keeps inactive subscribers only while DES is running. If a shared durable subscriber is closed, but remains subscribed, the subscriber ID is added to the inactiveSharedDurableSubscribersIds list, and inactiveSharedDurableSubscribersCount increases. However, when you restart the runtime where DES is embedded, DES does not examine the Universal Messaging channel for available shared named objects. As a result, the inactiveSharedDurableSubscribersIds list is initially empty and does not contain the subscriber ID that was previously added.
List<String>. The identifiers of the shared durable subscribers to the service that are inactive, but still subscribed. If the service usage is DestinationOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
The system keeps inactive subscribers only while DES is running. If a shared durable subscriber is closed, but remains subscribed, the subscriber ID is added to the inactiveSharedDurableSubscribersIds list, and inactiveSharedDurableSubscribersCount increases. However, when you restart the runtime where DES is embedded, DES does not examine the Universal Messaging channel for available shared named objects. As a result, the inactiveSharedDurableSubscribersIds list is initially empty and does not contain the subscriber ID that was previously added.
Integer. The number of priority durable subscribers to the service that are inactive but still subscribed. If the service usage is DestinationOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
The system keeps inactive subscribers only while DES is running. If a priority durable subscriber is closed, but remains subscribed, the subscriber ID is added to the inactivePriorityDurableSubscribersIds list, and inactivePriorityDurableSubscribersCount increases. However, when you restart the runtime where DES is embedded, DES does not examine the Universal Messaging channel for available priority named objects. As a result, the inactivePriorityDurableSubscribersIds list is initially empty and does not contain the subscriber ID that was previously added.
List<String>. The identifiers of the priority durable subscribers to the service that are inactive but still subscribed. If the service usage is DestinationOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
The system keeps inactive subscribers only while DES is running. If a priority durable subscriber is closed, but remains subscribed, the subscriber ID is added to the inactivePriorityDurableSubscribersIds list, and inactivePriorityDurableSubscribersCount increases. However, when you restart the runtime where DES is embedded, DES does not examine the Universal Messaging channel for available priority named objects. As a result, the inactivePriorityDurableSubscribersIds list is initially empty and does not contain the subscriber ID that was previously added.
Integer. The number of non-durable subscribers to the service. If the service usage is DestinationOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
Long. The number of events received by all subscribers to the service since the service became active. If the service usage is DestinationOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
String. The status of the last sending operation performed by the service. Values are:
*Green - when the last sending operation to the Universal Messaging server is successful.
*Red - when the last sending operation to the Universal Messaging server failed. Possible reasons for a Red sending status are:
*The Universal Messaging server is unavailable.
*The Universal Messaging server is overloaded and responds with a delay.
*The events that DES sends exceed the capacity of the Universal Messaging channel in use.
*There is no network connectivity or it is slow.
If the Universal Messaging server becomes unavailable, but no events are sent for long time, the lastSendingStatus might still be Green because the status is updated only after a transaction to the server.
To determine whether the server is available without sending events, check the connected, connectTime, and disconnectTime attributes.
String. Information about the last sending status. When the status is Red, the explanation contains the exception that caused the sending operation to fail.
Long. The number of events sent to the service. If the service usage is SourceOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
Long. The number of events sent to the service and successfully acknowledged by the Universal Messaging server. If the service usage is SourceOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
Instant. The time when the last event was sent to the Universal Messaging server.
The lastSendingTime attribute reflects the time when an event was last sent to the destination service. The lastSendingTime attribute does not carry information about whether an event was acknowledged by the destination service.
To see whether an event was acknowledged by the destination service, check the lastCompletedAcknowledgementTime attribute.
Instant. The last time when an event sent to the service was successfully acknowledged by the Universal Messaging server. If the service usage is SourceOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
Integer. The number of times when the service switched to redelivery mode because of a failure to deliver an event to the Universal Messaging server. If the service usage is SourceOnly, the value of this attribute is empty.
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