Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : Using Digital Event Services to Communicate between Software AG Products : Configuring Digital Event Services Using Composite Templates : Creating a Digital Event Persistence Service Using Composite Templates
Creating a Digital Event Persistence Service Using Composite Templates
This section includes an example of a composite template that you can use to create a service of type Digital Event Persistence for Digital Event Services (DES), which is embedded in an Integration Server instance.
Before You Begin
Before you can create the composite template for creating a Digital Event Persistence service, do the following:
*Install a default Integration Server with DES and Digital Event Persistence. When using the sample template in this section, install Integration Server on the local host with default ports.
*See the "Creating Custom Composite Templates" section in Software AG Command Central Help.
Creating the Template Definition File
The following example configures a Digital Event Persistence service with Apache Hadoop 5.3.0 as the storage technology. To configure a Digital Event Persistence service with Elasticsearch 2.3.2 as the storage technology, use the same template but include parameters specific to Elasticsearch.
The template creates a single layer, with alias local-is and applies the create-an-evp-service inline template on the layer. The local-is layer is created in the local installation.
In the configuration section of the template, the configuration details specified in DES-EVP-CONFIGURATION are applied on the OSGI-IS_default-DigitalEventServices run-time component. DES-EVP-CONFIGURATION contains the parameters for the EVENT-PERSISTENCE-DES configuration type, and LocalPersistence is the instance ID.
OSGI-IS_default-DigitalEventServices is the run-time component ID, which you can obtain by using the sagcc list inventory components CLI command.
To connect to an HDFS server you need to authenticate with a password. To successfully provision a Digital Event Persistence service when you apply the template you must provide the value for hiveServerPassword in one of the following ways:
*As a value in the composite template itself.
*As an argument.
*In a properties file.
You must also provide a valid password when updating a Digital Event Persistence service with composite templates. For more information about updating a Digital Event Persistence service with composite templates, see Updating a Digital Event Persistence Service Using Composite Templates.
alias: evp-configuration
description: Create and configure a EVP service in DES
version: 0.1
    templates: [create-an-evp-service]
      serviceName: LocalPersistence
      serviceType: HDFS CDH.5.3.0
      serviceDescription: MyDescription
      eventTypeStoreLocation: default
      nameNodeURI: hdfs://localhost:8020
      hdfsMaxFileSize: 65
      hiveServerURI: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000
      hiveDatabaseName: Database
      hiveWarehouseLocation: /user/hive/warehouse
      hiveServerUser: Admin
      hiveServerPassword: my.secret
      hdfsBatchSize: 10000
      hdfsBatchWriteTimerSec: 15
      elasticSearchBatchSize: 1000
      elasticSearchBatchWriteTimerSec: 15
      elasticSearchCoreThreadPoolSize: 5
      elasticSearchMaximumThreadPoolSize: 10
      elasticSearchThreadPoolKeepAliveTime: 5
      elasticSearchThreadPoolQueueSize: 10
      elasticSearchPreStartCoreThreads: false
      elasticSearchSSLEnabled: false
            OSGI-IS_default-DigitalEventServices: *DES-EVP-CONFIGURATION
    local-is: local
Importing the Composite Template
Before you can apply the template, you must import the template into Command Central.
Import the template from the example with the following command:
*If you only have a template definition file:
sagcc exec templates composite import -i evp-configuration.yaml
*If you have a template archive with a template definition and an environment properties file:
sagcc exec templates composite import -i
Applying the Composite Template
Importing the template registers it in Command Central. You can apply the template with the following command:
sagcc exec templates composite apply evp-configuration
Apply the template from the example with the following command:
*With an input argument for hiveServerPassword:
sagcc exec templates composite apply evp-configuration my.password=my.secret
*With an input properties file:
sagcc exec templates composite apply -i evp-configuration
where is the name of your custom properties file that contains the value for the hiveServerPassword parameter.
Verifying the Template Execution
Verify that the template execution is successful in the following ways:
*Check the Jobs view in the Command Central web user interface while applying the template.
*After applying the template, check in Command Central if the service is listed with the correct configuration settings in Environments > Instances > All > local-is > Digital Event Services > Configuration > Event Persistence.
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