Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : Using Digital Event Services to Communicate between Software AG Products : Using webMethods Event Data Store : Commands that Event Data Store Supports
Commands that Event Data Store Supports
Event Data Store supports the Platform Manager commands listed in the following table. The table lists where you can find information about each command.
For more information, see...
sagcc get configuration data
For general information about the command, see Software AG Command Central Help.
For information about the configuration types that Event Data Store supports, see Configuration Types that Event Data Store Supports.
sagcc update configuration data
For general information about the command, see Software AG Command Central Help.
For information about the configuration types that Event Data Store supports, see Configuration Types that Event Data Store Supports.
sagcc get configuration instances
For general information about the command, see Software AG Command Central Help.
For information about the configuration types that Event Data Store supports, see Configuration Types that Event Data Store Supports.
sagcc list configuration instances
For general information about the command, see Software AG Command Central Help.
For information about the configuration types that Event Data Store supports, see Configuration Types that Event Data Store Supports.
sagcc get configuration types
For general information about the command, see Software AG Command Central Help.
For information about the configuration types that Event Data Store supports, see Configuration Types that Event Data Store Supports.
sagcc list configuration types
For general information about the command, see Software AG Command Central Help.
For information about the configuration types that Event Data Store supports, see Configuration Types that Event Data Store Supports.
sagcc exec configuration validation update
For general information about the command, see Software AG Command Central Help.
For information about the configuration types that Event Data Store supports, see Configuration Types that Event Data Store Supports.
sagcc exec lifecycle
For general information about the command, see Software AG Command Central Help.
For Event Data Store-specific information about the command, see Run-Time Monitoring Statuses for Event Data Store.
sagcc get monitoring
For general information about the command, see Software AG Command Central Help.
For Event Data Store-specific information about the command, see Run-Time Monitoring Statuses for Event Data Store.
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