Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Help : Appendix : Legacy Presto components : Mashables and Mashups : Mashables : Connect Information Sources as Mashables : Register Custom Database Mashables : Viewing Details for Tables, Views or Stored Procedures
Viewing Details for Tables, Views or Stored Procedures
Once you have identified the datasource, schema or catalog, and specific database artifacts for the mashable you are registering, you can view more detailed information – the metadata – for each artifact. Simply select the artifact in the left pane to display metadata in the right pane.
Table, View or Stored Procedure Name
Detailed metadata displays a Java name which is the name that the MashZone NextGen mashable uses for the table, view or stored procedure. The SQL name is the database’s name for this artifact. See Database Mashable Names versus Database Names for more information.
Table or View Column Details
Tables and views show the following detailed information for their columns:
*Name: the MashZone NextGen mashable name for this column. See Database Mashable Names versus Database Names for more information.
*Java Type: the Java class that the mashable uses as the datatype for this column.
*SQL Type: the database datatype for this column.
*PK: this is checked for any columns that are primary keys for tables. This is not applicable for views.
Table or View Finder Details
Tables and views show the following detailed information for their finders:
*Name: the operation name in the mashable for this finder.
*Query Type: the SQL keyword used to specify this finder. Typically finders use a WHERE clause.
*Multi-finder: whether this operation returns multiple rows.
Stored Procedure Details
Detailed information for stored procedures can vary based on what your database supports. It can include:
*For parameters:
*Name: the name for this parameter.
*Java Type: the Java datatype for this parameter.
*JDBC Type: the JDBC datatype for this parameter.
*Direction: IN, OUT or IN/OUT
*For the columns in the result set (if any):
*Name: the MashZone NextGen mashable name for this column.
*Java Type: the Java datatype for this column.
*JDBC Type: the JDBC datatype for this column.
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