Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Help : Appendix : Administration : Integrated MashZone Server Configuration and Administration : Tune Memory/Caching for the Integrated MashZone Server : Automatically Tune MashZone Memory and Cache Configuration
Automatically Tune MashZone Memory and Cache Configuration
This uses a simple script to automatically update memory and cache configuration based on preset sizes. These preset values, however, do not take any memory requirements for MashZone NextGen or MashZone NextGen In-Memory Stores into account and thus may not be suitable in some circumstances.
1. Determine which present configuration you want to use.
Preset memory configuration is defined by three sizes: s = small, m = medium and l = large. These presets are configured based on the following assumptions:
Preset Option
Core Threadsize
Maximum Threadsize
Internal Caches
S: a small application on a host with:
*64 bit
*2 Cores
*4G of memory
*Base = 125M
*Top = 100M
*Debug =25M
M: a medium application on a host with:
*64 bit
*4 Cores
*16G of memory
*Base = 1G
*Top = 800M
*Debug =200M
L: a large application on a host with:
*64 bit
*8 Cores
*64G of memory
*Base = 2G
*Top = 1.6G
*Debug = 400M
2. Open a command or terminal window and move to the MashZoneNG-install/mashzone/tool/runtool folder.
3. Enter the appropriate command shown below based on your operating system:
*For Windows, enter upgradetool.bat -system preset-size
Using the size option you determined in step 1.
*For Linux, OS/X or UNIX, enter upgradetool.bat -system preset-size
Using the size option you determined in step 1.
4. If needed, manually increase the Java heap allocation to accommodate both MashZone NextGen and the Integrated MashZone Server. See Memory Configuration for the MashZone NextGen Server for instructions.
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