Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Help : Appendix : Legacy Presto components : Mashables and Mashups : Mashups in MashZone NextGen Wires : Customizing Wires : Limit Custom Block User Entries to a List of Values : Dynamic List Values from a Macro Input Parameter
Dynamic List Values from a Macro Input Parameter
You can populate the list of valid values dynamically from another input parameter to the macro. For example, one input parameter is a document with results from an RSS web feed. A second parameter accepts one article title that users should select from the RSS results to use as a query to another mashable, such as this example:
Thus one field in the repeating items from the first input parameter provides the dynamic list of valid values for a second macro input parameter. The first input parameter must be a document type that has at least one repeating node.
To provide a dynamic list of values for an input parameter based on a repeating node from another parameter, you add the following macro metadata elements to <parameter>:
*<type> with a datatype of enum
*<list> as a child of <type>
*<xpath> as a child of <list>
*You specify the path within the source input parameter to the repeating node that contains the values for this list in the limitTo attribute in <xpath>
In this example, the <item> node in the RSS feed for the newsSource input parameter is repeating. The list of values to show for the newsItem input parameter is the article titles for each <item> in newsSource:
<macros xmlns=""

<macro name="MoreNews"
<input name="newsSource" type="document"/>
<input name="newsItem" type="string"/>

<block usage="Wires">
<parameter name="newsSource">
<label>Choose an RSS web feed</label>
<parameter name="newsItem">
<label>Choose a news article</label>
<type datatype="enum">
<xpath limitTo="$newsSource/rss/channel/item/title"/>
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