Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Help : Using dashboards : Configure dashboard components : Resize dashboard components
Resize dashboard components
You can scale up or down the size of dashboard components.
1. Create a dashboard or open a dashboard in the dashboard editor.
2. Click a component inserted in the dashboard. The component is displayed with a frame.
3. In smart dashboards
a. Resize the component width by dragging the anchor point of the frame with your mouse pointer.
A component width can be resized across multiple free fields.
b. Resize the component height by resizing the height of the row where the component is inserted. To resize the row height drag the upper or lower row border by your mouse pointer.
The height of all components inserted in the same row are resized automatically.
4. In fixed grid dashboards
a. Drag the anchor point of the frame with your mouse pointer.
The selected components are resized.
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