Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Help : Appendix : Operators : Data transformation operators : Runtime info : Parameters
The following parameters are available.
Information type
The single-value operator can return the following types of information:
*User data
*Today's date
*Random number
Default value: User data
Specification: Mandatory
Properties of the logged-in user; displayed if User data is selected as the information type.
The following values can be selected: Login, First name, Last name, E-mail and Language
Default value: User name
Specification: Mandatory
Specifies the accuracy of the date, displayed if Today's date is selected as the information type.
The following values can be selected: Minute, Hour, Day, Month, Year
Default value: Day
Specification: Mandatory
Number range
Number range of the random number; displayed if Random number is selected as the information type.
The following values can be selected: Integers, Floating point numbers
Default value: Integers
Specification: Mandatory
Upper/lower limit
Upper or lower limit of the value range for the random number; displayed if Random number is selected as the information type.
Default value: 0 and 10
Specification: Mandatory
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