Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Help : Appendix : Operators : Data transformation operators : Convert text : Parameters
The following parameters are available.
Name of the column whose values are converted.
Source: Source table
Data type: Text
Specification: Mandatory
Transformation rule for conversion of column values:
*UPPER: Converts all characters into upper case, according to the rules of the specified language.
*LOWER: Converts all characters into lower case, according to the rules of the specified language.
*ONLY_LETTERS: Removes all figures (0-9) from the column values;
*ONLY_NUMBERS: Removes all letters from the column values.
*Remove_Spaces: Removes all spaces from the column values.
*REMOVE_LEADING_WHITESPACE: Removes leading whitespace from the column values.
*REMOVE_TRAILING_WHITESPACE: Removes trailing whitespace from the column values.
Specification: Mandatory
Target column
Name of the column to which the conversation search result is written. This can be either a new column (typing a column name in the text field) or existing column (selecting a column from the drop-down menu).
Data type: Text
Default value: Result_1
Specification: Optional
If the target column is identical to the source column, the values in the source column are overwritten.
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