Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Help : Using dashboards : Configure dashboard components : Assign data sources to dashboard components : Assign data columns to horizontal and vertical gauge chart : Configure thresholds
Configure thresholds
You can define thresholds for a numeric KPI to display their status. A coloured marker shows the threshold range in which a KPI value is located.
1. Click Thresholds.
2. Click on a Color box to select a color for each threshold.
3. Select an operator for each threshold to define the KPI value range, e.g., < (less than).
4. Enter a value for each threshold.
You can either enter fix threshold values or you can choose columns from your data source representing dynamic threshold values. For dynamic threshold values only numeric data columns are allowed. Assign the required numeric data column from the data source to a threshold field via drag and drop.
5. Click on Plus button to add a threshold or click on Minus button to remove a threshold.
The thresholds are configured for the selected component.
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