Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Help : Appendix : Administration : MashZone NextGen Server Administration : Manage Files for MashZone NextGen Features or Artifacts : Add External Resources as MashZone NextGen Files
Add External Resources as MashZone NextGen Files
You can add external resources to MashZone NextGen to make them easily accessible in custom blocks, custom apps, pluggable views, as thumbnails or many other purposes.
To add one or more files to MashZone NextGen
1. Click Admin Console in the MashZone NextGen Hub main menu.
2. Expand the Platform Features section and click File Resources.
3. Click Upload New Files.
4. Click Browse, find and select the file you want to upload and click Open.
The location and file name fill in and a new set of fields open to upload another file.
5. If needed, add to the path or change the file name.
The name of the file defaults to /file-name. If you accept the default, the URL to access this file becomes http://app-server:port/mashzone/files/file-name.
You can organize files into 'pseudo folders' by adding to the path, using / as the separator. For example, a file name of /images/reports.png has a URL of http://app-server:port/mashzone/files/images/reports.png and can be found in file search (along with any other files in the 'images folder') by searching for images as the file name.
You can also upload files that are normally loaded automatically, such as thumbnails. Simply specify the standard path. See File Organization for more information.
6. Repeat the steps, as needed, to find and name any other files you want to upload.
7. Click Delete to close the empty file upload fields.
8. Click Upload files.
The files are added to the MashZone NextGen Repository and are now available via a MashZone NextGen URL.
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