Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Help : Appendix : Legacy Presto components : Activate legacy Presto components
Activate legacy Presto components
You can activate the legacy Presto components provided as standard by MashZone NextGen until version 9.12.
By default, the legacy Presto components are not available in MashZone NextGen. If required, you are able to activate the Presto components and make them available in MashZone NextGen. You can activate all legacy components at once or only the Mashup editor.
By activating the legacy Presto components, the dashboard components MashZone NextGen App and MashZone NextGen View are also activated and are available in the dashboard editor. See Insert components into a dashboard for details.
The current MashZone NextGen configuration is stored in the presto.config configuration file, located in the <Business Analytics installation>\apache-tomcat\webapps\mashzone\WEB-INF\classes\ folder.
1. Open the presto.config file with a text editor.
2. To activate or deactivate the legacy Presto components set the value of the presto.mode parameter.
*Set the parameter value to mashzone: deactivates the legacy Presto components. Default.
*Set the parameter value to classic: activates all legacy Presto components.
Example: presto.mode = mashzone
3. To activate or deactivate the Mashup editor set the value of the mashup.editor.visible parameter.
*Set the parameter value to false: deactivates the Mashup editor. Default.
*Set the parameter value to true: activates the Mashup editor.
Example: mashup.editor.visible = false
4. Save your changes.
5. Restart MashZone NextGen server and reload MashZone NextGen in your web browser.
Your setting are applied. The activated components are available in the MashZone NextGen Hub and the App Depot.
To access the activated components click in the program bar the user name by which you are currently logged in and select App Depot respectively Hub in the menu.
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