Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Help : Using data feeds : Display data feed without application header
Display data feed without application header
You can display a data feed in the feed editor without the application header of MashZone NextGen.
1. Create or open a data feed in the feed editor.
2. You can hide the application header by adding the appheader=false parameter to the data feed URL in the following form.
http://<url to dashboard>?appheader=false
3. In addition, you can display a drop-down menu in the data feed which provides zoom, help and logout options. The menu icon will be displayed in the top right corner. Add the showmenu=true parameter to the data feed URL in the following form.
http://<url to dashboard>?appheader=false&showmenu=true
The data feed will be displayed without the application header in the feed editor.
URL example
http://<local host>:8080/mashzone/hub/dashboard/feededitor.jsp?guid=32d64647-e3ba-403e-8406-5b289ec3d81d?appheader=false&showmenu=true
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