Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Help : Appendix : Operators : Data source operators : PPM
Uses the ARIS Process Performance Manager (PPM) query interface to retrieve data from favorites defined in PPM.
You can use the pop-up menu for a favorite to copy the corresponding favorite URL in PPM. Click Use in dashboard in the pop-up menu of a favorite. See the PPM online documentation for details.
For every PPM system which should be used in the MashZone NextGen, a PPM connection has to be created beforehand. See Manage PPM Connections for details. The Alias is the name of the PPM connection, which contains the PPM client connection data defined in MashZone NextGen.
The relevant PPM client server must be running. See the PPM documentation PPM Installation for details.
The following parameters are available.
PPM Connection
Alias of the PPM Connection, which contains the PPM client connection data defined in MashZone NextGen. Only PPM connections for that you have the Usage privilege are available. Select a PPM connection. See Manage PPM Connections for details.
Refresh rate ()
Specifies the time until the source file is read in again. Default value is 12 h.
Path of a PPM favorite. The favorite path represents the favorites tree including favorites folder and name, e.g., \Favorites\Process cycle time
Extract from URL
Automatically determines the connection data of the PPM data source, e.g., alias, favorite path, language and favorite type, click Extract from URL and insert the favorite URL created in PPM.
Specifies the credentials for authenticating the query at the PPM client server.
Single Sign-On: Enables you to log in to PPM client server via single sign-on (SSO), by using your current MashZone NextGen credentials.
HTTP basic auth: Requires the user name and the password of a PPM user.
The returned data is filtered based on the PPM user access rights. In particular, the PPM user needs to have access rights for the selected favorite.
Advanced options
Specifies further connection parameters.
Favorite type specifies the favorite as Private or Shared.
Language of the favorite, e.g., en for English
Request key columns separately: Extracts all key values from the list table and writes them to separate columns of the data feed.
Configure columns
Configures the columns list. Unselect a column for excluding it from the result data. Entering a new name for a column will cause that to be used instead of the original column name in the result. Clicking Reset columns will reload the column list from the data source and undo all changes in the list.
Filters: Detect
Reloads the dimensions and measures information from PPM
Add filter
Adds one or more filter criterions to filter the values of the PPM query. See Add filter: Procedure below.
Add filter: Procedure
1. Click Add filter.
2. Select a Dimension or Measure provided by PPM, e.g., date or process throughput time, and click Add. The selected criterion is added to the PPM operator.
3. Select an operator for the condition of the filter criterion in the drop-down menu, e.g., is equal to.
4. Enter a constant filter value in the input field or insert an input parameter by clicking the Insert input parameter icon. The button is only clickable if there is at least one input parameter with the same data type.
5. Click the Set filter properties icon and specify the criterion parameters.
When specifying parameters, such as filter criterion and filter values, please observe the predefined syntax of the PPM query interface (query API). See example below. For detailed information on the PPM query interface, please refer to the PPM documentation PPM Query interface.
*Filter using an expression uses criterion expressions for filtering. Available for criterions of text data type.
Key uses the criterion key as filter value.
Description uses the criterion description as filter value.
Set filter level allows the selection of the level you want to filter. Available for two level and multi level dimensions.
Example: The two level dimension Dealer with the levels Region and City allows to filter the data according to Region or City.
*Scaling. Available for criterions of date data type and for some number criterions (KPI value for example % or numeric).
6. Click the Add condition icon to add further filter conditions.
7. Click Next to leave the dialog.
The character combination of space + ( in the filter value (e.g., ABC (123)) can lead to different results, depending on the filter criterion.
*If you filter for "SOLDTO_NAME=ABC (123)", PPM searches for the customer with the name = "ABC" and the description = "123".
*If you filter for "SOLDTO_NAME(VAL)=ABC (123)", PPM searches for the customer name "ABC (123)" and does not take the description into account.
*If you filter for "SOLDTO_NAME(DESC)=ABC (123)", PPM searches for the customer whose description is "ABC (123)" and does not take the name into account.
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