Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Help : Appendix : Dashboard components : Line chart
Line chart
A line chart can display values for two iterations. Two dimensions and one KPI can be used, or one dimension and multiple KPIs. The second iteration is displayed with several stacked lines. Multiple KPIs are then displayed using lines of different colors.
The following component options are available.
General Options
Optional component name
More options
Displays additional options
*Hide header: Hides the header incl. the title of the component and the content will be resized. Click the icon again to display the header.
*Hide border: Hides the outline of the component container. Click the icon again to display the outline.
*Container style
Selects the style type of the component container. The container styles available in the drop-down menu are part of the style template selected for the current dashboard. By default, the Default widget style is preselected.
Selects the style type of the component. The component styles available in the drop-down menu are part of the style template selected for the current dashboard. By default, the Default widget style is preselected.
*Auto refresh
Sets the automatic data retrieval of the component
Selects the tabs, where the component is displayed. The icon indicates that the component is displayed on several tabs. See Display components on several dashboard viewsfor details.
Specific line chart options
Chart title
Optional chart title for the displayed chart of the component
Line type
Selects the line type of the line chart. Available are Linear, Curved or Step line types. Default is Linear.
Data points
Selects the size of displayed data points. Available are Large, Small or None line types. Default is Large.
*Activated option: Missing values are ignored (leads to a continuous line).
*Deactivated option: Missing values lead to gaps within the line.
Rotate x-axis labels
Rotates the labels of the x-axis 90 degrees
Legend position
Displays a legend in the chart component and sets the position. Default is None, i.e., no legend is displayed.
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