Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Help : Appendix : Administration : MashZone NextGen Add-On for SharePoint (P4S) : P4S Configuration and Administration, SharePoint 2007 : Configuring MashZone NextGen Add-On for SharePoint 2007 : Configure MashZone NextGen Server Connections in SharePoint 2007 : Add a MashZone NextGen Server Connection to SharePoint 2007
Add a MashZone NextGen Server Connection to SharePoint 2007
The scope of the connection that you create is determined by your account and the farm or site where you add the connection.
Visibility for connections can also be affected by where you add the connection. MashZone NextGen Server connections defined for site collections are immediately visible while visibility at sites and site collections for MashZone NextGen Server connections defined for farms may be delayed up to 30 minutes because of caching.
1. Verify or complete the following required prerequisites:
a. Install the MashZone NextGen Server, if you have not already done so. See Install or Upgrade MashZone NextGen Servers for P4S for instructions.
b. Make sure the MashZone NextGen Server is running. See Start and Stop the MashZone NextGen Server for instructions.
c. Configure connections in the MashZone NextGen Server to the appropriate SharePoint farms, site collections and sites. See Configure MashZone NextGen Connections to SharePoint for instructions.
2. To create a connection to a MashZone NextGen Server in a farm:
a. Open SharePoint Central Administration as a farm administrator.
b. Click Operations and click Manage Mashup Servers in the MashZone NextGen Administration category. screen
c. Skip to Step 4.
3. To create a connection to a MashZone NextGen Server in a site collection or a specific site:
a. Login is as site administrator for the site collection or specific site. If needed navigate to the home page for the site you want.
b. Click Site Actions > Site Settings.
c. Click Manage MashupServers in the MashZone NextGen Administration category.
4. Click New Mashup Server from the Manage Mashup Server page. The Add Mashup Server page opens.
5. Complete basic properties for this connection:
*Name: choose a name that describes the location or purpose of the MashZone NextGen Server you are connecting to.
*URL: enter the domain name and port, or IP address and port, for the URL to connect to this MashZone NextGen Server. For example: or
You may omit the port number in this URL if the MashZone NextGen Server uses port 80.
URLs cannot use the localhost domain name. Use the IP address instead.
6. Set authentication properties for this connection based on your authentication plan. See Authentication Designs for P4S 2007 for more information on the types of authentication you can use.
If you are using SSO + Token authentication, set these properties:
*SSO Enabled: set this option to enable single sign-on authentication. You must use the MOSS SSO Service with your SharePoint 2007 Server to provide single sign-on for MashZone NextGen Server connections.
*SSO Application: if you have enabled SSO (see above), choose the appropriate target application to use for authentication of credentials when connecting to this MashZone NextGen Server.
If no SSO applications are listed, then SSO is not properly configured. See Configure Authentication for P4S 2007 for more information to correct this problem.
If you are using SSO + Cookie authentication, set this property:
*Cookie Forwarding Enabled: set this option to allow cookies to handle authentication credentials between SharePoint servers in this farm and this MashZone NextGen Server. The MashZone NextGen Server must be in the same domain as this SharePoint farm.
If you are using No SSO, Manual authentication, clear all the SSO and Cookie properties.
7. Set the Mashup Server Enabled option to activate this connection and click Verify Connection.
If the connection fails, check to make sure the URL you entered is correct and the MashZone NextGen Server you are connecting to is running. See Start and Stop the MashZone NextGen Server for startup instructions.
A Confirmed message displays once your connection is verified.
8. Once you have verified the connection, click OK. The Manage Mashup Servers page appears, listing your new MashZone NextGen Server connection.
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