Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : Using Digital Event Services to Communicate between Software AG Products : Administering Digital Event Services : Configuring Services : Configuring Universal Messaging Services : Using Universal Messaging Services with SSL
Using Universal Messaging Services with SSL
Digital Event Services (DES) supports the Universal Messaging NSPS protocol for secure communication.
To enable DES to communicate with an SSL-enabled Universal Messaging server, you must configure the following Java system properties for the runtime in which DES is running:
The path to the client keystore.
The passowrd for the client keystore.
The path to the certificate authority (CA) keystore file.
The password for the CA keystore.
DES supports only .jks file based keystore and truststore types.
For more information about configuring Universal Messaging for SSL communication, see Universal Messaging documentation. For more information about configuring Java system properties, see Software AG Command Central Help or the documentation of the embedding runtime.
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