Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : Using Digital Event Services to Communicate between Software AG Products : Understanding Digital Event Services : Messaging Services and Service Groups
Messaging Services and Service Groups
Messaging services are endpoints where events are published. Depending on your application's capabilities to emit or subscribe to events, you can tag the messaging service as either a destination, a source, or both. Digital Event Services (DES) supports the following service types:
* Universal Messaging services - use services of this type to send events to or receive events from a Universal Messaging server realm or cluster.
* Digital Event Persistence services - use services of this type to send events to a Digital Event Persistence destination.
*In-Process service - use this pre-configured service to send and receive events within the same server runtime.
Services are grouped together as a set of one or more services to which events can be sent. One of the services in a service group can be tagged as the source of events for all event types associated with the service group.
Each Digital Event Services runtime contains a default service group, which is sufficient for most use cases. However, you can also define a custom service group for a particular runtime.
For more information about how to configure services, see Configuring Services. For more information about how to group those services together, see Configuring Service Groups.
Considerations when Using Service Groups
*If a service group contains no source service and your application creates a subscription for this service group, no events are received. The subscription remains inactive until a source service is configured.
*If an application emits events to a service group that has no destination service configured, then the emitted events are not received anywhere.
*Administrators can create a service group that contains no services for troubleshooting purposes.
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