WSDLs for SOAP Web Services
SOAP web services use WSDLs (web service definition language files) to define the service contract. When you register a WSDL web service, MashZone NextGen retrieves the WSDL, including any schemas that are included in the WSDL, to help define meta-data for the WSDL mashable.
You must provide a URL to the primary WSDL when you register the mashable. MashZone NextGen supports WSDLs that include schemas only when the locations for included fragments are relative to the location of the primary WSDL or that have absolute addresses. For some SOAP web services you may also need to define security configuration for the web service to allow MashZone NextGen to access the service.
If your environment does not have Internet access or you experience other WSDL access problems when registering a WSDL mashable, you may need to download the primary WSDL and any included schemas to the MashZone NextGen configuration folder or the file system of the MashZone NextGen Server host. You may also need to edit the primary WSDL to reflect the new locations of included schemas.
Some WSDLs use array datatypes from the SOAP Encoding namespace ( but do not actually import this schema. This can cause unknown type or type resolution errors when you register the WSDL web service. You can set configuration for the MashZone NextGen Server to work around this issue.