Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : My webMethods Server Components Used Internally : Email Deliverer Portlet
Email Deliverer Portlet
Portlet Title
Email Deliverer
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
System. The system uses this portlet to deliver My webMethods Server and task e-mail notifications using the SMTP protocol. The Email Deliverer portlet expects that the mail session is available via JNDI for your task application.
Typically you should not need to change the default values of this portlet's properties, which define the number of SMTP threads to allocate for e-mail delivery and the number of recipients per e-mail. However, if the defaults do not meet the needs of your system, an administrator can modify the properties. To display the properties:
1. Log into My webMethods Server using the sysadmin user.
2. Navigate to Folders > System > Extended Types > portlets > System.
3. In the list, locate and open the wm_emaildeliverer object.
Number of SMTP Threads (smtpWorkerPoolSize)
Defines the number of SMTP threads to allocate for delivering e-mail messages. Specify a positive whole number. The default is 6.
Even if you only define only 1 SMTP thread, the portlet will eventually deliver all e-mail notifications although it might take significant time. You might want to define more than the default 6 threads if delivery of e-mail notifications is a priority and if the system is heavily used for My webMethods Server and task e-mail notifications.
Max number of recipients per e-mail (maxRecipientsPerEmail)
Defines the maximum number of recipients to receive a single e-mail message. The portlet can deliver an e-mail notification to more than one e-mail address, for example, when multiple users subscribe to a notification. Specify a positive whole number. The default is 100.
This property defines the maximum number of SMTP addresses to be delivered; it is not the number of addresses on the e-mail TO line.
Queue Name (queueName)
Defines the name of the JMS queue that the portlet uses to request e-mail delivery. This property is not displayed in the portlet's user interface. It is set to Do not modify the property.
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