Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : My webMethods Server Administration and Configuration : Cluster Admin Portlet
Cluster Admin Portlet
Portlet Title
Cluster Admin
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Yes; however, the portlet is not portable because its functionality is My webMethods Server-specific.
Default Instances of the portlet
*The system default instance is under folder.portlets.admin folder
*When logged in as "sysadmin", the default instance is under folder.admin.dashboard.portal_configuration folder
*Folders > Administrative Folders > Administration
*Dashboard > Configuration > Cluster Administration
*When logged in as "Administrator", the default instance is under webm.apps.config.url.setup folder
*Administration > My webMethods > Cluster Settings
Configuration. Administrators use this portlet to configure, monitor, and control My webMethods Server in either a standalone or clustered deployment.
*For a standalone deployment, administrators use the portlet to:
*Configure HTTP and HTTPS listener ports for My webMethods Server.
*Configure active server roles for My webMethods Server.
*Monitor the online status, up time, and active users for My webMethods Server.
*Shut down and restart My webMethods Server.
*For a clustered deployment, administrators use the portlet to:
*Configure HTTP and HTTPS listener ports for each My webMethods Server node in the cluster.
*Configure active server roles for each My webMethods Server node in the cluster.
*Configure the front-end URL for the cluster.
*Configure the component deployment mode in the clustered environment.
*Monitor the online status, up time, and number of active users of all My webMethods Server nodes in the cluster.
*Shut down and restart individual My webMethods Server nodes in the cluster or to shut down and restart the entire cluster.
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