Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : My webMethods Server Administration and Configuration : Cache Viewer Portlet
Cache Viewer Portlet
Portlet Title
Cache Viewer
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
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JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
Administration. Administrators use this portlet to monitor the status of My webMethods Server in-memory caches. This information is useful when analyzing or troubleshooting memory footprint and performance issues with the My webMethods Server and Task Engine.
The Cache Viewer portlet reports the current information about the state of caches for a specified My webMethods Server instance. If you are using a clustered environment, use the Cache View portlet separately on each individual node in the cluster. The following table lists the type of information the portlet provides:
Cache size
The current number of entries in the cache
Maximum size
The maximum number of entries allowed in the cache
Valid entries
The number of entries in the cache that are valid
Invalid entries
The number of entries in the cache that are not valid
Expired entries
The number of entries in the cache that have expired
Expirable entries
The number of valid entries in the cache that have not yet expired, which is a number equal to or less than the number of valid entries.
My webMethods Server manages multiple caches. The following caches to not have a direct impact on the performance of My webMethods Server or Task Engine:
Normally, you should not update the configuration for a cache. However, if you need to reconfigure a cache, for example, to update the resize policy, maximum cache size, or minimum cache size, you can do so by updating the \config\cache.xml configuration file. For detailed information on updating configuration files, refer to Administering My webMethods Server.
The "Purge DB Cache" action of the Cache View portlet cleans the database-persistent cache, which you typically do to clear up database space. This database-persistent cache is used by some legacy (non-webMethods CAF) portlets. However, since My webMethods Server version 7.x, few portlets use this database cache.
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