Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : My webMethods Server Administration and Configuration : Rule Administration Portlet
Rule Administration Portlet
Portlet Title
Rule Administration
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
The following are instances of the Rule Administration portlet, which are located with in the Administrative Folders > Administration Dashboard > User Interface folder:
*Manage Locale Rules
*Manage Login Page Rules
*Manage Rendering Rules
*Manage Shell Rules
*Manage Skin Rules
*Manage Start Page Rules
Administration. Administrators use this generic portlet to configure simple rules for any target. For example, My webMethods Server uses specific instances of the Rules Administration portlet for configuration of Skin and Shell rules.
The portlet allows administrators to add, update, or delete rules and also to change their evaluation order. When creating and updating a rule, the administrator specifies the conditions to match the rule and the target that the rule should resolve to.
Rule Folder (ruleFolderURI)
Required. Identifies the folder where you want the configured rules to be stored. Specify the thingID of the target folder.
Rule Text Resource Bundle (ruleTextResourceBundle)
Required. Identifies the Java resource bundle that contains the text strings to display in the portlet user interface. Specify the fully-qualified name of the Java resource bundle.
View Rules Text Key (viewRulesTextKey)
Required. Indicates the text to display at the top of the portlet's View Rules tab. Specify the key in the resource bundle that contains the appropriate text.
Eval Order Text Key (evalOrderTextKey)
Required. Indicates the text to display at the top of the portlet's Change Evaluation Order tab. Specify the key in the resource bundle that contains the appropriate text.
Add Rule Text Key (addRuleTextKey)
Required. Indicates the text to display at the top of the portlet's Create New Rule tab. Specify the key in the resource bundle that contains the appropriate text.
Modify Rule Text Key (modifyRuleTextKey)
Required. Indicates the text to display at the top of the portlet's Modify Rule tab. Specify the key in the resource bundle that contains the appropriate text.
Clone Rule Text Key (cloneRuleTextKey)
Required. Indicates the text to display at the top of the portlet's Copy Rule tab. Specify the key in the resource bundle that contains the appropriate text.
Rule Editing Context (ruleEditingContextURI)
Required. Identifies a rule editing context portlet that the Rule Administration portlet is to invoke to draw the user interface for editing the specific rule type for the portlet instance. Specify the alias or thingID of the rule editing context portlet.
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