Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : My webMethods Server Administration and Configuration : Install Administration Portlet
Install Administration Portlet
Portlet Title
Install Administration
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Yes; however, the portlet relies on My webMethods Server internal APIs and will fail to function in other portlet containers.
Default Instances of the portlet
Administrative Folders > Administration Dashboard > Configuration > Install Administration
Administration. Administrators use this portlet to install and uninstall My webMethods Server components, that is, portlet applications and web applications. This portlet displays the components that are available for installation, as well as, those already installed so that an administrator can select to uninstall them.
The portlet displays the components in a tree structure that reflects the directory structure under the Software AG_directory /MWS/components directory. For each component in the tree:
*The Status column indicates whether the component is installed, has an update available, or is currently not installed.
*The Action column displays the commands available for the component, for example, Install or Upgrade.
The administrator can perform an action on multiple components at one time by first selecting multiple components, and then clicking either Install Selected or Uninstall Selected.
Administrators can also use this portlet to install components that are not located with in the Software AG_directory \MWS\components directory structure, but that are available on the local file system or via a standard URL (e.g., file://, ftp://, http://, etc.). To do so, the administrator can click Install New Component to use a wizard for locating and installing the components.
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