Note: | If you do not specify a value for an option, Designer creates the page with the default value for the option. |
Field | Description and Value |
Page purpose | The purpose of the page. Select Maintenance page. |
Filename | The file name of the xhtml page that Designer generates. Specify a simple file name, for example WebContent/maintenance1.xhtml, or a unique path in the project, for example WebContent/folder1/maintenance.xhtml. The default value is WebContent/maintenance.xhtml. |
Initial content | The initial content of the page. Select one of the following options: Default custom maintenance page templates, if the default templates are enabled on the Preferences > Software AG > UI Development > Templates page. Values are: maintenance_default maintenance_inline Any user-created custom page templates with a maintenance context that are enabled on the Templates page. Pre-defined shell page options. Values are: Simple maintenance page |
Parent shell alias | The alias of the parent shell to use for creating your OpenUI shell. Select one of the following shells, or type the alias of another existing shell: shell.blank shell.noodle shell.noodle.guest - This is the default value. The OpenUI shell initially inherits all properties of the parent shell. You can replace any inherited property with a new, custom property. |