About JSF 2.x Facelets Support
With JSF 2.x, portlet views in CAF and OpenUI applications are implemented as .xhtml files with Facelets support. Facelets support enables you to use:
Third-party libraries to customize the portlet view
CAF JSF tags to add functionality to the portlet view
Java annotations to declare managed beans
Implicit navigation between portlet views
For more information about the JSF Facelets functionality and working with Facelets in CAF and OpenUI applications, see
Working with Facelets.
By default,
Software AG Designer creates portlet applications and new view pages using the .view file format. To enable JSF Facelets support for new view pages, you can either set the
Prefer JSF 2.x xhtml Facelet Templates for New Pages preference on the UI Development preferences page in
Software AG Designer, or specify a .view or .xhtml file name extension when creating a view page. For more information about enabling JSF Facelets support, see
Enabling the JSF Facelets Functionality for
New Projects and Views.
For more information about the Facelets page declaration language, see the Oracle Java documentation website.