Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : webMethods CAF and OpenCAF Development Help : User Interface Controls Concepts : Client-Side Libraries : Library
The Composite Application Framework library dynamically loads script files on demand. With the Library.register(id, url) method, you can register a named group of script files to load later. The Library.load(id, onload) method loads the named group or directly-specified group of script files, and then executes the specified callback method when loading is completed. For example, the scripts needed to execute Scriptaculous Effects are pre-registered as the scriptaculous/effects group. To execute a scriptaculous effect, you must call Library.load() to load the scriptaculous effect library, pass a method to execute once the library has finished loading. For example:
Library.load("scriptaculous/effects", function() {
Instead of using a registered group name, you also can pass Library.load() the URL of a script to load directly. You can specify multiple URLs or named groups as a space-separated string, for example
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