Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : webMethods CAF and OpenCAF Development Help : Getting Started with Portlet Application Development : Opening the Portlet Application Configuration Editor
Opening the Portlet Application Configuration Editor
The Portlet Application Configuration editor manages the portlet descriptors for all the portlets contained in a portlet application project. You can create portlets and various objects used by portlets and the portlet application.
When you create a portlet application, the Portlet Application Configuration editor is automatically displayed. If you close the editor, you can open it again by doing the following:
To open the Portlet Application Configuration editor
1. Do either of the following:
*In the Solutions view, double-click any portlet within the portlet application.
*In the Project Explorer view or Navigator view:
i. Locate the portlet application in the tree view and expand it to expose the portlet.xml file:
ii. Double-click the portlet.xml file.
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