Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : webMethods CAF and OpenCAF Development Help : E-form Support in Portlet Applications : Adding an Advanced Default E-Form Download or Upload User Interface
Adding an Advanced Default E-Form Download or Upload User Interface
This procedure adds the ability to upload and submit an e-form by including Form Submission controls.
To add a more advanced default download/upload interface to the portlet view
1. Open the generic portlet view in the editor.
2. Open the Snippets view.
3. Expand E-forms.
4. Drag the Download and upload UI snippet onto the portlet canvas and drop it inside a Form control.
5. In the Variables area, specify a value for providerBeanName by typing the Java property name of your e-form content provider.
To see Java proper names in the Bindings View, click the Show Java Type Names toolbar button.
6. Click Insert.
7. Save your changes.
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