Service Development Help : Managing Packages : Deleting a Package
Deleting a Package
When you no longer need the services and files in a package, you can delete the package. Deleting a package removes the package and all of its contents from the Package Navigator view.
When you delete a package from Designer, Integration Server saves a copy of the package. If you later want to recover the package and its contents, contact your server administrator. Only Integration Server Administrator users can recover a package. For more information about recovering packages, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
Before you delete a package, make sure that:
*Other users or other services do not use (depend on) the services, templates, IS document types, and schemas in the package. You can use the Package Dependencies option to identify other services that are dependent on a service in a package that you want to delete. For more information, see Identifying Package Dependencies.
*All elements in the package that you want to delete are unlocked, or locked by you. If the package contains elements that are locked by others or system locked, you cannot delete the package.
To delete a package
1. In Package Navigator view, select the package you want to delete.
2. Click Edit > Delete.
Identifying Package Dependencies
Deleting Elements
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