Service Development Help : Debugging Flow Services : Using Breakpoints When Debugging Flow Services : Setting and Removing Breakpoints on Flow Step
Setting and Removing Breakpoints on Flow Step
You can set or remove a breakpoint on a flow step by toggling the breakpoint. During debugging, processing will halt immediately before this flow step.
To toggle a breakpoint on a flow step
*Open the flow service in which you want to set a breakpoint and do one of the following:
*On the Tree tab, right-click the step at which you want to set the breakpoint and select Toggle Breakpoint. Designer displays or removes in the vertical margin next to the flow step.
*On the Tree tab, right-click in the vertical margin next to the flow step at which you want to set a breakpoint and select Toggle Breakpoint. Alternatively, double-click in the margin next to the flow step. Designer displays or removes in the vertical margin next to the flow step.
*On the Layout tab, double-click the connection line in front of the flow step at which you want to set a breakpoint and select Toggle Breakpoint. Designer displays or removes right before the flow step.
*On the Layout tab, select the connection line in front of the flow step at which you want to set a breakpoint. Right-click and select Toggle Breakpoint. Designer displays or removes right before the flow step.
You can also use Breakpoints view to remove breakpoints or select Run > Remove All Breakpoints.
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