Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : Implementing E-form Support for BPM : Setting up an E-form Repository : E-form Repository Considerations
E-form Repository Considerations
This chapter describes how to set up My webMethods Server to serve as an e-form repository You can find general information about e-form repositories in Introduction to E-forms Integration
Be aware of the following items as you set up your repository:
*If you do not want to store e-form templates in your repository, you can store them in a file system or even on a web server. For more information, see Other E-form Template Storage Options. Each supported e-form template has a defined file name extension; for example, .xsn for InfoPath, and .xdp for LiveCycle. When you add e-form templates into the content repository templates folder, you must ensure that you include those extensions with the name.
*You must create a separate e-form instance folder for each e-form document you work with. Each supported e-form instance has a defined file name extension; for example, .xml for InfoPath, and .xdp for LiveCycle. When you add e-form instances into the content repository instances folder, you must ensure that you include those extensions with the name.
*Your internal data network and permissions configuration must allow Software AG Designer and the webMethods run-time components (Integration Server, Process Engine, and Task Engine) to be able to access the repository folders and read the templates and instances in them.
The Task Engine does not interact with instances directly; however, it is possible to implement a custom portlet within a task to upload e-form instances to the instances folder, in which case access to the instances folder would be required.
*After you create your repository folders, you must configure an e-forms environment for each of your e-form repository folder locations, and deploy that environment to the Integration Server host(s) where your e-form enabled processes will be running, as described in Configuring and Deploying an E-form Environment.
*If you plan to use WebDAV to connect to your repository folders, be sure to review the information in WebDAV Considerations.
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