Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : Configuring the VCS Integration Feature : Overview : Understanding Package, Element, and File Behavior : Package Contents and Interaction with the VCS Integration Feature : \ns Directory
\ns Directory
This directory contains subdirectories for each top-level folder that resides in the package.
\ns Subdirectory
VCS Integration
The file node.idf, and possibly subdirectories for subfolders, as well as elements such as services, schemas, and triggers.
Files in this directory are automatically checked in and checked out by the VCS Integration feature.
If the folder contains Java services, the node.idf file holds Java code that is shared among the Java services in the folder.
*If you maintain Java services using Designer, these files are updated automatically.
*If you maintain Java services using your own IDE, you must run the jcode frag command on the folder's Java source file before you check in the package.
\FolderName\ FlowServiceName
These files:
VCS Integration
Service's input/output parameters and run-time setting
Files in this directory are automatically checked in and checked out by the VCS Integration feature.
Backup files generated by Designer or Integration Server are not checked in and checked out by the VCS Integration feature.
Service's logic
XsltService Name.xsl
XSLT style sheet, created only for XSLT services
\FolderName\ CodedServiceName
These files for coded (Java, C/C++, or COM) services:
VCS Integration
Service's input/output parameters and run-time settings
The node.ndf file is updated when you edit the service's run-time settings using Integration Server Administrator or Designer.
Compiled code for the service
The java.frag file is updated when you modify and save the source code for the Java service with Designer.
If you maintain Java services with your own IDE, the java.frag file is replaced when you run the jcode frag command on the Java source file for this folder.
\FolderName\ non-ServiceElementName
The file node.ndf, which holds the definition of the element.
The non-service elements include specifications, document types, triggers, schemas, flat file schemas, flat file dictionaries, and adapter notifications.
Files in this directory are automatically checked in and checked out by the VCS Integration feature.
These files:
VCS Integration
Service's input/output parameters and run-time settings
Files in this directory are automatically checked in and checked out by the VCS Integration feature.
Backup files generated by Designer or Integration Server are not checked in and checked out by the VCS Integration feature.
Service's logic
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