Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : Implementing E-form Support for BPM : Implementing E-forms : Adobe LiveCycle Implementation Considerations : Adobe Design Time Considerations for Task Applications
Adobe Design Time Considerations for Task Applications
Defining the Path Between and an XDP and a PDF File
Creating an XDP Form without an Associated PDF
If you plan to configure a task application so the task user can upload and download Adobe LiveCycle e-forms, it is important to keep the following points in mind.
The XDP data file is used at design time to create the JCR template provider for the task download function. During run time, at the time of download, the XDP data file requires an associated PDF file so the e-form can be successfully opened in a PDF reader. You can save the template in PDF format at creation time, as noted in Creating XFA-Compliant Forms with LiveCycle Designer. You must store the PDF in a location accessible to Software AG Designer and the run-time components (Integration Server, Process Engine, and Task Engine).
The XDP stores the location of its associated PDF file as an href attribute inside the XDP. That href attribute must be a fully-resolvable URL; for example:
*Absolute path: C:\FolderA\FolderB\File.pdf or /forms/folderA/folderB/File.pdf
*Relative path: ../FolderA/FolderB/File.pdf.
Otherwise, the download will fail at run time.
The value of the href is set at export time (although you can manually edit the href after completing the export), and is derived based on the target location of the XDP, relative to the location of the PDF.
If an XDP file is moved from its original location, then the relative link to its associated PDF will be broken. In this case, the XDP file will not open in a PDF reader (in most cases, the PDF reader will prompt the user to browse for the PDF) and a JCR provider cannot be created.
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