Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : Working with Software AG Designer : Tips for Working with Software AG Designer : Configuring SSL Connections in Designer
Configuring SSL Connections in Designer
Use the following procedure to configure a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection in Software AG Designer.
For more information about Java SSL configurations, see the JSSE Reference Guide in the Java SE documentation.
To configure an SSL connection
1. Locate the following file in your Designer installation:
Software AG_directory \Designer\eclipse\configuration\config.ini
2. Open the file in a text editor.
3. Add the following lines to the file:
* file path
where truststore file path is the path to the server truststore in your file system. For example:\:\\keystore\\localhost.jks
Be sure to use the correct separators when specifying the path to the truststore file. For example: C\:\\
* file type
where truststore file type is the type of truststore file that the server supports. For example:
4. Save the file and restart Designer.
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