Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : ARIS Method manual : Customer Experience Management (CXM) : Customer journey landscape
Customer journey landscape
The Customer journey landscape model enables the description of the customer lifecycle including the individual customer lifecycle stages and customer journeys. The model can be used either to model the customer lifecycle stages only and assign customer journeys to these, or to depict both the customer lifecycle stages and the corresponding customer journeys in one model.
Customer journey landscape
If using the top-down approach, you would start with the customer journey landscape, which provides a clear overview of all customer lifecycle stages and their associated customer journeys.
Furthermore, the Customer journey object type enables the customer journey owner, the business driver and business driver impact on transformation, as well as the overall customer experience to be represented using attributes.
If the corresponding CXM templates are activated, a traffic-light display can be used to visualize the relevant initiatives depending on the attribute values defined, so that the person in charge can immediately see which initiatives are required for which customer journeys.
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