Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : webMethods Mobile Task Integration User's Guide : Working with Mobile Tasks : Obtaining the Mobile Task Application : Prerequisites
Before you can work with tasks on your mobile device, the following requirements apply:
*Your mobile device must have wireless or cellular access to the Internet.
*You must be able to connect to the target Integration Server from your mobile device.
*You must have the WmTaskClient package (Task Client Support) installed on your Integration Server, and it must be configured to connect to the My webMethods Server/Task Engine environment where your tasks are running. For configuration information, see webMethods Task Engine User’s Guide.
*You must have an active user account on both Integration Server and My webMethods Server.
*Your user account must be granted the My webMethods Server privileges to access and interact with the task applications you want to work with.
*These tasks must be assigned to your user account.
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