Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : Using webMethods Mobile Designer : Setting Up the Windows Phone 8 Platform : Configuring Mobile Designer for the Windows Phone 8 Platform
Configuring Mobile Designer for the Windows Phone 8 Platform
After installing the Windows Phone SDK 8 and setting up Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone, you need to configure Mobile Designer to provide information about the Windows Phone 8 platform setup.
When specifying paths in the file, use a forward slash character, “/” or an escaped slash character, "\\", to separate folders, even when specifying Windows paths.
To configure Mobile Designer for the Windows Phone 8 Platform
1. Use a text editor to open the following file:
Mobile Designer_directory /
2. Locate the Windows 8 section of the file and set the values for the properties in the following table.
Property and Setting
Set to the path of the framework installed with the Windows Phone 8 SDK. The following shows an example using the default installation location is:\\Program Files (x86)\\Reference
Set to the path of the location of the lib\wp8 folder of the WPToolkit package, for example:
Use the location in the WPToolkit folder that you saved when performing the instructions in Setting Up Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone.
The \wp8 folder contains a file named "Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Toolkit.dll".
Set to the path of the location of the SQLite extension SDKs installed for Windows Phone. The following shows an example using the default installation location is:
microsoft.sdk.winphone.extensions.sqlite=C:\\Program Files
(x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows Phone\\v8.0\\ExtensionSDKs\\SQLite.WP80
Set the path of the location of the .NET Framework. The default value is:
This property is located within the XNA/Silverlight section.
3. Save and close the file.
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