Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : webMethods Mobile Designer Native User Interface Reference : Mobile Designer Native User Interface : About Using the NativeUI Library
About Using the NativeUI Library
Use the NativeUI library to develop the user interface for a mobile application. It is recommended that you have your mobile application user interface design complete before starting to develop it using the NativeUI library.
Design Considerations
When designing the user interface:
*Review information about designing mobile applications. See Mobile Application Design.
*Understand the NativeUI object hierarchy. See Hierarchy of NativeUI Objects for a User Interface.
*If the application will run on a tablet device, you can design the user interface to use multiple panes. See Using Multiple Panes for Tablet User Interfaces.
*If you want the application to run on both tablet devices and smaller devices, you need to design for both. See Designing Applications to Run on Both Tablets and Smaller Devices.
Developing the User Interface Using the NativeUI Library
To create a user interface using the NativeUI library, use the Mobile Designer Java API, specifically the classes in the package. The classes in this package control the NativeUI objects at the specific device level. Each NativeUI object maps to a platform-specific object for a target device, such as Apple’s iPhone 4 and Google’s Android. Additionally, you can write your own extensions to the Mobile Designer NativeUI by extending any of the supplied classes or by creating new classes that add functionality.
To use the NativeUI library for an application, you must set up the Mobile Designer project to indicate that the library is needed when compiling the application. For more information, see Indicating that a Project Uses the NativeUI Library.
See the following for information that is useful when coding the application:
*Setting Up the Application Code to Use the NativeUI Library
*Setting and Querying NativeUI Object Attributes
*Handling Events Generated by User Actions
*Transitioning Between Windows and Views
*Defining the Layout of Objects in the User Interface
*Managing Object Focus
*Background Colors and Images
*Adding Support for Right-to-Left Languages
*Using Multiple Panes for Tablet User Interfaces
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