Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : Using webMethods Mobile Designer : Using Phoney for Debugging Your Mobile Application : Running Phoney from Software AG Designer
Running Phoney from Software AG Designer
To run Phoney, you should have already activated a device for your project because the Phoney Ant targets run the your application for the last activated device. For information about activating a device, see Activating Devices.
To run Phoney from the Mobile Development perspective, refer to the Mobile Development documentation available in Software AG Designer via Help > Help Contents > Software AG Designer Guides > webMethods Mobile Development Help.
To run Phoney from Software AG Designer
1. In Software AG Designer, click the Project Explorer view, expand the Mobile Designer project, and drag the build.xml file to the Ant view.
If the Ant view is not open, for instructions, see Displaying the Ant View.
2. To create a Run configuration, use the ++Activate-Handset Ant target to activate a handset for your project. For instructions, see Activating a Device.
As part of activating a device, Mobile Designer creates a Run configuration, which you can use to run or debug the application using Software AG Designer and Phoney.
3. In Software AG Designer run Phoney using either a Run Configuration, to simply execute Phoney, or Debug Configuration, if you want to use debug capabilities, for example, setting breakpoints.
*To use Run Configurations:
i. Select Run > Run Configurations.
ii. In Run Configurations, expand Java Application, select your mobile application project and click Run.
*To use Debug Configurations:
i. Select Run > Debug Configurations.
ii. In Run Configurations, expand Java Application, select your mobile application project and click Run.
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