Adding a Device to a Project
To add a device to a mobile application project, execute the Add-Handset Ant target from your project. When adding the device, you associate the device with a language or language group.
The Add-Handset Ant target adds an XML file for the device to your project’s targets folder. The following is a sample of the target XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<property name="project.handset.AND_generic_Android3xAPI.langgroups" value="EFIGS"/>
<property name="project.handset.AND_generic_Android3xAPI.mobiledesigner.handsetgroup"
<target name="-Project.Handset.AND_generic_Android3xAPI">
<!-- properties, parameters and paths -->
<!-- Load the global info for this project and the Mobile Designer -->
<!-- handset group -->
<call-mobiledesigner-handset-target handset="${selected.handset}"/>
To add a device to a project
1. In Software AG Designer, open the project’s build.xml file in the Ant view.
a. In the Project Explorer view, locate the project to which you want to add a device.
b. Expand the project and drag its build.xml file to the Ant view.
If the Ant view is not open, for instruction, see
Displaying the Ant View.
2. In the Ant view, double-click Add-Handset.
Mobile Designer displays an Add Handset dialog.
3. In Add Handset dialog, select the platform on which the device runs from the Platform Filter list.
4. Select the manufacturer that makes the device from the Manufacturer Filter list.
When you select a valid platform and manufacturer combination for which Mobile Designer has a device profile, Mobile Designer populates the Choose your handset list and displays a default device name in the Reference Name field.
If Mobile Designer does not have a device profile for the platform and manufacturer combination you specified:
Ensure you are specifying the information correctly by reviewing the information in the following directory to determine the names of supported devices and platforms:
Mobile Designer_directory /Devices
5. Select the device you want to add to the project from the Choose your handset list.
6. Accept the default name in the Reference Name field or update it if you want to use another name.
7. In Language Groups, type a semicolon-separated list of language groups to specify the languages that your mobile application will support for the device. You define language groups using the project.langgroup.group_name property. For example, if you have defined the language groups europe and asia and want to specify those language groups, use the following:
8. Click Add Handset.