Using Styles
A Style is a collection of common User Interface properties that you can apply to most User Interface elements. Using Styles enables you to easily reuse properties without defining them again in every control. In addition, it eases the way to change properties as they are defined in a single spot.
To define a Style for a mobile application
2. In the Model section of the Outline Editor, expand the outline so that you view the Styles node. The Styles node is a child of the User Interface node.
3. Right-click the Styles node and select New Child > Style.
4. Select the Styles object, and in the Properties section of the Outline Editor set the properties.
5. You can define an inheritance of styles. A Style inherits all properties from a parent style. If both styles define a value for the same property, the value of the child take precedence.
6. To use a Style object, open an User Interface related model element (View, Table, TextField, etc). In that element you will find the property Style, where you can select a defined Style from the list. If both, the Style and User Interface element itself, define a property, then the property defined in the User Interface element takes precedence.