Using Colors
An easy way to define commonly used colors is to add a new Color entry in the Styles category. A defined color element can then be referenced everywhere in the model instead of directly specifying a color. The advantage is that you can easily change the color that is used in several elements within the model.
To define a Color for a mobile application
2. In the Model section of the Outline Editor, expand the outline so that you view the Styles node.
3. Expand the Styles node, select the Values node and select New Child > Color.
4. Select the Color object, and in the Properties section of the Outline Editor set the properties.
5. Give the Color object a unique name and the value you wish it to have.
6. Using the Color in the user interface is really easy. Just open a model element that contains a color property (Background Color, Font Color, etc.), e.g. a TextField. In that property you specify the name of the previously defined Color object. Using the CTRL+SPACE keys will even show you a list of all defined Color objects for you to select from.