Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : webMethods Mobile Development Help : Adding graphical assets to a Mobile Project
Adding graphical assets to a Mobile Project
Use the +Run-Reshandler Ant target to compile the resources for the current device.
You should compile resources for a device:
*After you change or add language resources, such as text or header text.
*After you change or add new image resources.
*After you add parameters to the _defaults_.xml file.
Alternatively, you can use the ++Activate-Handset Ant target, which allows you to select the device that you want to activate. For information about using the ++Activate-Handset Ant target, see Using webMethods Mobile Designer.
To compile resources for a device
1. In the Project Explorer view, expand the Mobile Project, and drag the build.xml file to the Ant view.
2. In the Ant view, double-click Run-Reshandler.
The Ant target compiles the resources for the current device.
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