Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : Using webMethods Mobile Designer : Prepare Linux systems for Mobile Designer
Prepare Linux systems for Mobile Designer
When installing Mobile Designer on 64-bit Linux installs, the 32-bit glibc package must also be provided. Depending on your distribution, it can be installed via one of the following commands.
*For RedHat Enterprise Linux, CentOS and Fedora users:
sudo yum install glibc.i686
Users with Fedora, release 22 or greater, should use "dnf" in place of "yum".
*For SuSE Enterprise Linux, the glibc-32bit package should already be installed, but this is best checked by attempting to install it. Issue the command:
sudo zypper install glibc-32bit
If the package is already installed, the output will indicate this.
Optionally, if the user want to use Mobile Designer without the Mobile Development perspective of Software AG Designer, it is useful to install Ant and Gradle directly.
*For RedHat Enterprise Linux, CentOS and Fedora users: sudo yum install ant gradle
*For SuSE Enterprise Linux: sudo zypper install ant gradle
Some Linux distributions may not have gradle or ant available through the standard package repository. To install SDKMAN! and gradle and/or ant manually, refer to
Additionally, users can use the JDK provided by the Software AG installer as default, by issuing the following commands. For all platforms, it may be necessary to repeat this process for javac and other commands.
*For RedHat Enterprise Linux, CentOS and Fedora users:
*sudo alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java [SAG_INSTALL_DIR]/jvm/jvm/bin/java
*sudo alternatives --config java
*Then select the new default.
*For SuSE Enterprise Linux:
*sudo alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java [SAG_INSTALL_DIR]/jvm/jvm/bin/java
*sudo alternatives --config java
*Then select the new default.
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