Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : webMethods Mobile Development Help : Defining Resources for the Mobile Project : Asset Types
Asset Types
Create a built-in Asset
Mobile Development includes an icon library, containing hundreds of icons, which you can customize and use in your application. When creating a new Asset, the Asset Editor already shows the Built-In Icon creation page. Here, you can choose icons from different categories. The selected icon is shown in the Preview at the right side of the editor. In addition, it is possible to customize the selected icon as follows:
*change the Size of the icon, or
*change the Padding around the icon, or
*change the Stroke Color of the icon, or
*change the Fill Color of the icon, or
*change a background of the icon and choose between a round-rectangle or a circle background decoration, or
*copy the source of the selected icon to the clipboard.
When saving the icon, Mobile Development automatically creates icons for every screen resolution. Those icons are located within the <project>/gen/.assets/graphics directory. Make sure to commit this directory when working with a source code management system.
Create a custom SVG Asset
Before creating a new SVG Asset, developers need to create a new Asset file and choose the “Define a Path” option in the Editor. Afterwards, you can specify a custom SVG or load an example. The created SVG will be previewed at the right side of the Asset Editor. When saving the icon, Mobile Development automatically creates icons for every screen resolution. Those icons are located within the <project>/gen/.assets/graphics directory. Make sure to commit this directory when working with a source code management system.
Tip: Copy the SVG-document of a Built-In icon to the clipboard from the Built-In creation page and start to compose different SVG paths to one SVG Asset using the Define a Path creation page of the Asset Editor.
Create an Asset Set
An Asset Set is a collection of single PNG files, which will be grouped under one Asset file. To configure an Asset Set, open the Import Icon creation page of the Asset Editor. This page shows placeholders for every platform density. To import an icon, drag and drop the icon into the dedicated placeholder. When saving the Asset Editor, the dropped PNG icons will be copied to <project>/gen/.assets/graphics directory. Make sure to commit this directory when working with a source code management system.
*The Asset Set can be used to migrate Mobile Projects – created before 10.1 – to the new Asset Management.
*You can use the Asset Set to define different icons per platform.
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