Directory or variable | Description |
The -Dwatt.server.prepend.classes property of the Software AG_directory /profiles/ IS_instance_name/configuration/ custom_wrapper.conf | Variable defined in custom_wrapper.conf that defines directories to prepend to the beginning of the classpath. |
The -Dwatt.server.append.classes property of the Software AG_directory /profiles/ IS_instance_name/configuration/ custom_wrapper.conf | Variable defined in custom_wrapper.conf that defines directories to append to the end of the classpath. |
Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\bin\ini.cnf | The application.classpath property from IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\bin\ini.cnf. This typically specifies classes in the following directories, in this order: IntegrationServer\lib SoftwareAG\common\lib |
Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\lib\jars\custom | All custom or third party .jar and .zip files in this directory. Note: Use this directory to store your custom or third party .jar and .zip files that you want to make available to a server specific instance. |
Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\packages\package_name\code\jars\static | All .jar and .zip files from this directory in each package. The files are added to the classpath in the order returned by the File.list() method. Note: Jars contained in this directory will be loaded even if the associated package is disabled. |
Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\packages\package_name\code\libs | If this directory exists, then: IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\packages\package_name\code\classes is included, if it exists. IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\packages\package_name\code\ is included, if it exists. |
Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\updates | Valid, and non-voided updates and fixes. |
Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\lib\jars | All .jar and .zip files in this directory. |
Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\lib\jars\custom | Common custom and third party .jar and .zip files in this directory. Note: Use this directory to store your custom and third party .jar and .zip files that you want to make available to all server instances. |
Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\updates | Common valid, and non-voided updates and fixes. Note: The updates and fixes in this directory are available to all server instances. |