Hybrid Integration 10.1 | Integrating On-Premises Applications | Administering Integration Server | Managing webMethods Messaging Triggers | Limiting Server Threads for webMethods Messaging Triggers | Setting the Maximum Number of Server Threads for webMethods Messaging Triggers
Setting the Maximum Number of Server Threads for webMethods Messaging Triggers
Keep the following points in mind when specifying the number of threads for retrieving and processing documents for a webMethods messaging trigger:
*The Document Retrieval maximum threads percentage impacts webMethods messaging trigger that retrieve documents from Broker only.
*The Document Processing maximum threads percentage impacts all webMethods messaging triggers.
* To set the maximum number of server threads for webMethods messaging triggers
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. In the Settings menu of the Navigation panel, click Messaging.
3. Click webMethods Messaging Trigger Management, and then click Edit Global webMethods Messaging Trigger Controls.
4. Under Document Retrieval, in the Maximum Threads field, type the maximum percentage of the server thread pool that can be used to retrieve documents from the Broker. You must enter a value greater than zero. The default is 100%.
If the Maximum Threads field under Document Retrieval displays "(Broker Not Configured)", then this Integration Server is not configured to connect to a Broker.
5. Under Document Processing, in the Maximum Threads field, type the maximum percentage of the server thread pool that can be used to process documents received by webMethods messaging triggers. You must enter a value greater than zero. The default is 100%.
6. Click Save Changes.
*Integration Server uses the percentages you entered to calculate the number of threads that can be devoted to retrieving and processing documents. If the number of threads does not evaluate to a whole number, Integration Server rounds up or down to the nearest whole number.
*For document retrieval, if the current number of server threads retrieving documents is greater than the new value set by the Maximum Threads percentage, Integration Server will not dispatch more threads for retrieving documents from the Broker. Threads currently retrieving documents will execute to completion. Integration Server will dispatch new threads for retrieving documents from the Broker only when the current number of document retrieval threads is less than the maximum allowed document retrieval threads.
*For document processing, if the current number of server threads processing documents (executing triggers) is greater than the thread value determined by the Maximum Threads percentage, Integration Server will not dispatch more threads for document processing. Threads currently processing documents will execute to completion. Integration Server will dispatch new threads for trigger execution only when the current number of document processing threads is less than the maximum allowed document processing threads.
*The current number of threads and maximum allotted threads for retrieving documents from the Broker is displayed in the Current Threads field under Document Retrieval on the Settings > Messaging > webMethods Messaging Trigger Management page.
*The current number of threads and maximum allotted threads for processing documents is displayed in the Current Threads field under Document Processing on the Settings > Messaging > webMethods Messaging Trigger Management page.

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