WmPublic. Inserts a trailer in a SOAP message.
(A trailer is an arbitrary element that follows the Body element in the SOAP envelope.)
Important: It appears likely that trailers will not be permitted in future versions of SOAP (versions 1.2 and later). If you are designing a completely new solution, we recommend that you avoid using trailers. However, if you exchange SOAP messages with older systems that already make use of trailers, this service allows you to insert them into a SOAP message.
Input Parameters
soapData | Object SOAP object to which you want the trailer added. |
trailer | com.wm.lang.xml.Node XML node containing the trailer that you want to add to soapData. Note: An XML node is a parsable representation of a node in an XML document. You generate an XML node using services such as pub.xml:xmlStringToXMLNode. Important: This service adds a single trailer to a SOAP object. If you need to insert more than one trailer in the message, execute addTrailer once for each trailer that needs to be added. Note: The SOAP specification states that trailers must be namespace qualified, so be sure that the node in trailer specifies a namespace. |
Output Parameters
soapData | Object SOAP object to which the trailer was added. |
Usage Notes
A SOAP object is an object that represents a SOAP message.
If you are composing a new SOAP message, you must first create an empty SOAP object (called
soapData) with the
createSoapData service and then add your header entries to with
If you are composing a SOAP response, you use
pub.soap.utils:addHeaderEntry to populate the
soapResponseData object that the SOAP message handler generates and puts in the pipeline.
See Also